Published work of Rudolfo Dalamicio
Having my work published.
Being a Landscape photographer means spending a lot of time outdoors, planning, traveling, exploring. That is just the best thing to do for me and also a very expensive thing to do.
Lucky for me I am getting more and more appreciated by companies and organizations that are willing to support me by buying work for either online publications as well as offline prints.
In this short blog I want to thank those who work with me and showcase the work I’ve been doing these last couple of years. Bringing in some hard needed cash to plan another amazing trip to a faraway land.
Soon to be found in one of their Academy courses, has done an interview about me and my work from Hongkong. I little behind the scenes on Lightroom editing and my preparations for a shoot.
For this incredible marketing agency I’ve supplied one of my favorite pictures, the Balloons in the rose-valley of Cappadocia - Turkey. The whole project can be found here: Visit the project
Want to dine on a unique place in the city of Amsterdam? I’ve shot their homepage image that you can see on their website. Book a spot there and get a very unique table near the window of this old Ocean-platform. Want to see how this looks? Go to their homepage
This portwine directory, focussing on the best portwine producers from Portugal, explaining all the details about portwine, the production, grapes and so much more, I’ve supplied multiple images for both blogs, articles, and their pages about the history of portwine. Check them out here
This is a shop about wall-art, active in both the Netherlands, Belgium as well as in Germany and the UK. Many artists and photographers showcase their work online and consumers and companies can order work online and have them produce and ship prints at home. A great way of getting more traction and confirmation that you are wanted as a Photographer. First works are being sold there - Check out my portfolio
The list will ofcourse grow more and more and some new work is already on it’s way.
If you are also interested in working with me, Rudolfo Dalamicio, then please send me a message.
Regards, Rudolfo Dalamicio